The Signature Elevate & Radiate Experience

- Coming Soon! -

Nurtured skin, enhanced naturally

You may have skin concerns that have always troubled you. You may be struggling to embrace your skin at your current stage of life. Or perhaps you simply want to understand how you can elevate your own natural beauty using the right products for your skin. Whatever has brought you here, this skincare and makeup experience will leave you feeling confident, radiant and beautifully, naturally you.
amelies working Ipad showing session being recorded

Here's what you get


1st appointment
(up to 2.5hr)
Skin session

Su photo

“I walked away with true knowledge of my face.”


1:1 Consulation

First I’ll take the time to understand what has brought you here, what you’d like to achieve and what your current routine looks like. Understanding your lifestyle, your priorities and pressures and what matters most to you helps me ensure you’re receiving guidance that will be easy for you to implement, every day.

Skin Analysis

This experience is all about ensuring you have advice tailored to your unique skin needs. I undertake an analysis of your skin so that I can recommend products and practices that will best help you overcome any challenges and ensure you can achieve beautiful results with the right skincare and makeup for you.

Mini Facial

Now’s the time to relax and enjoy a pampering, nourishing mini facial, individual to your skin’s needs. I use only clean, conscious products made from safe ingredients, chosen by me for their efficacy and simplicity. Your skin will be left feeling purified, nourished and hydrated.

Skincare Education

While in-salon treatments are beneficial, the important work is the effort you make every day to care for your skin. The first step is understanding your own skin, and the best way to support it. I’ll provide you with the knowledge and insight you need so that you can continue to confidently make the right choices for your skin.

Skincare Workshop

With knowledge about what matters most, I’ll now talk through the products and practices your skin will benefit most from. This will allow you to create a simple yet effective ritual that provides a foundation for healthy, radiant skin - long term.
Krystal photo

“I feel far more confident actually being me when I want to look pretty.”


2nd appointment
(up to 2.5hr)
Makeup session

Su photo

“Amélie made me feel very comfortable and listened to. I was super happy with how my makeup turned out. She guided me through the whole process to recreate that result at home.”


1:1 Consulation

Like your skin session, we’ll spend some time exploring what has brought you here and what your goals are when it comes to makeup, your lifestyle and any factors that may influence your choice of products.

Mini Facial

To prepare a beautiful blank canvas, you’ll experience a pampering mini facial, using products that are tailored to the requirements of your skin. Your skin will be left feeling clean, hydrated and ready to be enhanced with natural makeup!


Here’s the fun bit! Using simple techniques and either products you bring with you or ones I recommend, I’ll show you how to create a beautiful natural makeup look that enhances your favourite features and amplifies your inner radiance.

Hands-on practice

Now it’s your turn! This is your chance to try out these techniques for yourself, ask questions and refine your skills as you build confidence. You’ll see that you don’t need fancy tools or lots of products to achieve a look you love.
Le Anna photo

“I went away feeling more confident in being able to create a beautiful, natural look every day, without needing to spend hours doing it.”

Le Anna

““The video sent by Amelie after our consultation has been extremely useful! As someone who has rarely uses makeup, having the 'how to' has been a helpful refresher and reminder of what goes where, and how. Thank you for helping me to look like the best version of myself!””


Follow ups & takeaways


Skin session

Tailored PDF with schematics

All the information you need to make informed, conscious decisions when it comes to your skincare, including:
  • Your skin type analysis
  • A guide to reading labels and understanding which ingredients are suitable for your skin
  • Face massage schematics

Tailored product recommendations

While your session can focus on products you already have access to, I’ll also provide you with a list of personalised recommendations that will best support your skincare needs. You can refer back to this list when the time comes to top up, and know that you’re choosing safe, clean products for your skin.

Makeup session

Video recording of lesson

So you can continue to practice your new makeup skills at home, you’ll receive edited video of your lesson you can access and refer back to anytime you need to. This video includes PDF schematics to guide you.

Photos & schematics

To guide you through your makeup application, you’ll also receive personalised schematics which help you perfect your makeup application.

Tailored product recommendations

While your session can focus on products you already have access to, I’ll also provide you with a list of personalised recommendations. You can refer back to this list when the time comes to top up your kit, and know that you’re choosing safe, clean products that will help you create your desired natural look.
Jeanne photo

“I feel the difference.”

duration icon
2 sessions
Up to 2.5 hours
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Mini-cocooning facial
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Skin analysis
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Makeup demonstration
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Skin education
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Hands-on practice time
product discovery icon
Skincare discovery
camera icon
Edited video of your makeup lesson
hand holding heart icon
Tailored follow-up for both

Reclaim your confidence

- Coming Soon! -

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my session going to be with Amélie?
I suffer from allergies, can I still book a service?
Can I bring my own makeup and skincare?
Why is it over two sessions?
Is it really worth it?
What do I need to bring to my sessions?
Why do I need to bring my skincare?
Why do I need to bring my makeup bag?
What if I don’t like the look from the demo?
My products contain ingredients that are on your No-go list, can I still bring them?
My products contain ingredients that are on your No-go list, do I need to throw my products out to replace them with clean beauty?
Is The Cocoon wheelchair accessible?
Can my baby or toddler come with me to my appointment?
I need to cancel my appointment, what do I do?
Why is the cancelling timeframe 48 hours?
I am running late to my appointment, what do I do?
I need to reschedule my appointment, what do I do?
Are price GST included?

Reclaim your confidence

- Coming Soon! -

Meet your clean beauty and confidence coach


Clean beauty, without compromise